We, the residents of Shadetree, are buying our home
We, the residents of Shadetree, one of Oakland’s longest-running and most unusual live work properties, are BUYING OUR HOME. And we need your help.
We have done lots of work and research over the past 5 months and have raised over half a million dollars. The purchase price is $2.5M and we have found two institutions willing to loan us the money for the purchase, but we need another $300K for our deposit. And we need it by May 8th. If we are unable to meet this goal by this date, we will be evicted and the property will likely be razed and sold.
This is our final hour
Or the beginning of a new chapter.
We have formed a non-profit, the Shadetree Historical Artisans Development Engine (SHADE) and are currently accepting donations and loans. Loans will be paid back in no less than 26 months at 5% interest, though we would prefer a timeline of 5-10 years. As a lender, however, you will of course be able to discuss your own particular terms and timeline with us, so we may find a solution that works best for you. And since we're a non-profit, your donations are, of course, tax-deductible.
Interested in becoming a donor?
Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.
Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.